Would you like to know what its like to be three months pregnant and nearly 6 months postpartum all at the same time? Well, in a nutshell, its wonderful!!! I'm not making that up, either!!!!!
One of my biggest 'concerns' about being pregnant so soon after being pregnant was how I would handle feeling crummy while mothering an infant. I was so sick with Jacob, as in lay-in-bed-for-a-few-months sick with 24 hour nausea, every.single.day. The thought of having a baby to care for while feeling that way was overwhelming, to say the least. I went before the throne of the One who loves me so and I presented a request for an easy pregnancy to Him. I knew full well that He could have very well said "No" for reasons I may not have understood but could trust in, nonetheless. I hope with all my heart that I would, indeed, have trusted Him fully had He said no. But He said yes, and I am so grateful!!!!
I have even been without some of my very usual early pregnancy complaints! Heartburn seems to be my nemesis almost from conception. Not an ounce of it! Sciatic pain also seems to announce its presence from early on. Not even a mention of it, so far! And as for the nausea? Oh, its been there but its been so much more manageable, visiting me only in the mornings (as morning sickness should!) and behaving itself if I'm sure to eat often and eat enough. I am now 12 weeks and the nausea is making its departure, unlike my past two pregnancies where it lingered well into my 4th month.
I have discovered something else in the midst of this pregnancy. I have found a lovely, wonderfully sweet, perfectly effective therapy for morning sickness and first trimester blahs. Its this:

So, that's what its like to be 3 months pregnant while mothering a 5 1/2 month old! God is so very good!
Every woman would benefit from your attitude. Life is a hike: there's ups and downs. But a Godly woman sees His hand in it all. He blesses that perspective.
Send that in to Nancy!
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