Monday, October 13, 2008

This, That and the Other

Oh, dear! I don't quite know how a week has slipped by. I guess I blinked.......

Craig's work sent him to Seattle this past week so the kids and I packed up and tagged along. It was marvelous, first of all, simply to be with him after some very busy weeks. Secondly, a change of scenery once in a while always does this momma good. Do you know what I mean? We got to visit the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture while staying there. The kids were in awe at the actual dinosaur bones and the amazing gem exhibit. Thanks to the Jonathan Parks series, however, the kids pulled the rug right out from under all the evolution propaganda that filled the museum. They were able to recognize the misinformation regarding the ages and origins of things. I love that series! We were also thrilled to find a restaurant that was food-allergen sensitive and enjoyed a delicious breakfast together. By the way, have I mentioned that Kaleb continues to be MIGRAINE-FREE?!?!?! Praise the Lord, yes? And speaking of such things, Kaleb also got to enjoy (boy, did he ever!) a gluten-free, egg-free, dairy-free oatmeal raisin cookie at Pike Place Market. We also took a trip through Ikea and had hoped for a visit with Craig's cousin and her precious kidlets; however she had a sick little guy on her hands (we missed you, Jenny, and will definitely have to catch you next time! Hope your Peter is feeling much, much better!).
We made it home safe and sound Friday evening with Saturday spent catching up on laundry and the such. Yesterday the guys loaded up and headed out for a fun-filled day crabbing with some good friends!!!! They had so much fun and brought back delicious, lip-smacking, mouth-watering crab (77, to be exact). We've enjoyed fresh crab two nights in a row now and I'm ready for more! Oh, how I love, love, love fresh crab, dipped in melted butter with garlic and lemon juice. Yummy!!!!!!
Yesterday while the boys were crabbing, the girls and I headed to church. A nice older lady struck up a conversation with my Hannah in the foyer. I heard Hannah inform the lady, "When I grow up, I'm going to be a grown up!" The kind lady said to Hannah, "Oh, really? What kind of grown up are you going to be? Are you going to be a teacher or a doctor or a scientist?" Hannah looked up at her with her piercing blue eyes and emphatically said, "Oh, no! When I grow up I'm going to be a mommy!!!!!!!" Oh, how my heart soared to the highest of skies! I was both humbled and blessed all at once. Humbled because I fail so often to be the mother that I want to be to my dear children. And yet my Hannah would claim that as her very highest of aspirations. And blessed because somehow, through this 'object of mercy' that I am, the Lord has shown a little three year old girl that being a mommy is a highly desirable 'grown-up' profession. May my sweet little girl always hold that dream close to her heart, though the world will do all it can to belittle and degrade her sincere regard for motherhood! And oh, how I hope and pray the Lord would allow me the days to see Hannah's dream come to fruition!
And lastly, lest I tire you from all my blabbing, I have added another book to my long, though far from exhaustive, list of books I have my nose stuck in: "Acres of Hope: The Miraculous Story of One Family's Gift of Love to Children Without Hope". I found a copy at Goodwill and picked it up because I recognized the name from my friend, Michelle and her family, who are currently waiting for their two children from Liberia. The book is marvelous and moving! I simply cannot imagine the abuse and neglect children manage to survive. This family is truly quite amazing and God has given genuinely hopeless children hope, love and a future through this family. Excellent book!!!!!!!
Okay, enough already! Hope all is well for you, dear friends who take the time to stop by! May the Lord fill you full of His steadfast love so that it pours over your rims and spills down on those around you!


Michelle said...

Sounds like a fun excursion! Glad you are home, safe and sound.

Chompin' at the bit to see you next month....Michelle

Rebeca said...

So glad you were all able to go with Craig on his trip. Peregrine really loves the Jonathan Park stories too, and learns so much from them. Hope you have a wonderful week!

Jaime said...

Hi, I just ran into your blog by seeing a comment you made on the Handmade dress blog. I was intrigued by the picture with babywearing. Very cool, we have much in common, a love for God, sewing, you seem outdoorsy, and I also live in the NW. I enjoyed browsing your blog, I liked your yellow stuff and the story of your daughter shopping on ebay. Nice to meet you!

Sharon said...

SO glad to hear that Kaleb is still migraine free! Praise the Lord !!!!!
Glad you were able to have so much fun together!
Take care!