As arrows in the hand of a mighty warrior, so are children of the youth.
~Psalm 127:4
Did you catch that? Our children....they are arrows.
Are you believing the lie from the depths of hell that you are nothing more than a housewife, a maid, a server of all but yourself? Are you settling for nothing more than children who walk a straight line, stay out of trouble, and get good grades? Do you view your husband as simply the man who brings home the bacon and changes the oil in the car? If you must honestly answer "Yes" to any of these questions, than stop! Stop believing the lies and start believing the Word of God.
You, as well as your mate, are a warrior, a person ENGAGED in warfare. Who is your enemy? The Bible tells us quite clearly who our enemy is, if we are believers and followers of Christ: "your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8). What is your greatest weapon? Your children! The ones who leave fingerprints on your windows, who bicker with their siblings, who scrape their knees and bang their shins. They are our greatest weapon!!!! They are arrows and they're going to be used to fight against somebody's enemy, either God's enemy or the devil's. We MUST not be complacent! The devil, our adversary, IS walking about, seeking whom he may devour and you know who he wants the most? Our children, because he knows God's Word is true (better than many of us Christians do)! He knows what dangerous weapons our children are! If the devil knows it and believes it, shouldn't we?
Love your children, treasure them for what they are (arrows in the hands of a warrior), pray for them and over them, and get on your knees before the Commander and ask Him, beg Him, plead with Him to make you and your husband warriors equipped and able to raise these arrows for Him. You will find me there, on my knees, too, petitioning the Lord to take our feeble, miserable attempts at raising our children and make it something powerful for the glory of His kingdom.
The next time I have to fill in the blank "Occupation" on a form, I wonder what would happen if, instead of writing 'homemaker', I wrote 'Home Warrior'? I think I'll give it a shot!
P.S. The bow and arrows in these pictures were beautifully crafted by Craig's father and given to him just recently. Such a treasure!
You most definately need to foward this post and pictures to Above Rubies.
Oh what an awesome blog post!!
What a fun and family-oriented blog you have! Thanks for letting me take a peek!
I love this post!!! Beautiful! Thanks so much for the reminder.
Came over today from the RGT site...
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